TrailerTREK Hire

Copyright TrailerTREK Hire part or the TrailerTREK Towbar Group | Terms and Conditions

Company Name - TrailerTREK Hire & Accessories Ltd   Company Number - 07862684   VAT Number:-144536612

Registered Office - Unit 8a, Oak Farm, Hampton Lane, Catherine de Barnes, Solihull, Birmingham B92 OJB

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Leicester Motorbike / Motorcycle Trailer Hire

TrailerTREK Leicester Motorbike / Motorcycle Trailer Hire is available from our Solihull branch.  Come to our dedicated unit which houses our Motorbike / Motorcycle trailer hire business.  

We only hire out high quality motorbike / motorcycle trailers in Leicester which are usually:- Brenderup, Lider, Erde, Maypole and Trelgo.

Do you need to hire a single or double motorbike / motorcycle trailer…?

Need to transport your pride and joy safely and securely then we have the answer.

Hire a trailer from TrailerTREK Hire….

 Secure Payments  

TrailerTREK Hire are second to none.

Service and satisfaction are guaranteed at Leicester Motorbike / Motorcycle Trailer Hire.

We will go through a pre-delivery inspection with you ensuring you get on your way quickly and smoothly


Google map of Leicester Motorbike / Motorcycle Trailer Hire

Leicester is a City in the Unitary Authrority Area of East Midlands.  The City lies on the River Soar and at the edge of the National Forest.

In the 2011 Census Leicester had a population of 330,000 whilst there are 509,000 in the wider Leicester urban area.  

Leicester has strong Roman Links and the name Leicester comes from the words castra  of the “Ligore”.

Leicester co-ordinates 52’38’N 1’08’W

Leicester has a population density of 4,180km sq

Leicester’s area code is 0116 and has post codes ranging from LE1 - 19

Leicester is twinned with Strasbourg, Krefield, Masaya, Chongqing, Rajkot and Haskovo.

TrailerTREK Hire - Motorbike / Motorcycle Trailers Leicester accept a wide range of credit and debit cards

A deposit of £100 will be required to reserve our trailers taken on agreement of hire (Terms & Condition apply) with the hire charge being collected at the point of hire.  We require 2 forms of identification; 1 needs to be your driving licence and the other needs to show your current address and name on a bill within the last 3 months. (Passport / gas bill /  council tax bill etc…) Please bring your own registration plate for the vehicle.

07938 960725 - TrailerTREK HIRE - 0121 7040108

Leicester Motorbike / Motorcycle Trailer Hire Prices

Single Motorbike / Motorcycle Trailer - (ERDE PM310 single Or Equivalent)

£35 - Day Hire

£70 - Weekend (collect Fri bring back Mon)

£100 - Week Hire

£170 - 14 days Hire

We have several of the motorbike carriers

Please ring to secure yours early as during

the summer is our busy period.

Handle bar tie downs and rear ratchet straps included in hire

NB. Max bike weight - 240 KG

Contact Us 07771896862 - TrailerTREK HIRE - 07771896862